He learned that he needed to get more done with the time he was spending on his projects. He starts by telling us how he was passed over for a promotion at Qualcomm in favor of someone younger and less experienced and how that inspired him to figure out what the other guy was doing differently. He has read hundreds of books that have taught him the secrets to getting more done by getting into this state.
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Panel Charles Max Wood Sponsors Dev Influencers Accelerator Chuck explains exactly how that works in this podcast and goes deeper as part of the Dev Influencers Accelerator. A podcast is a great way to do all three.

Being known for being valuable in important ways allows you to leverage the skills you have to build better relationships and create opportunities to get what you need to get the outcomes you want by giving people what they want. Having good relationships is key to having good outcomes. Often other people will be able to help you find the opportunities or will be the ones to make the decisions that impact your ability to get the outcome you want. However, don't neglect your people skills and your organizational skills as well since you're often paid for how you work with people and enhance their work and how you put your work together in the most efficient ways. The most obvious type of skills you'll need is technical skills. Whether that's something simple like a raise or something more complex like going freelance, you can achieve it by working on 3 main areas. Panel Charles Max WoodĬhuck dives into the 3 essentials for getting the next successful outcome you want in your career.

Chuck dives into the 3 essentials for getting the next successful outcome you want in your career.